Programming conference with charitable cause
30/11 - 1/12/2015
Wrocław, Multikino Arkady


All good things must come to an end. Thanks one more time for being there with us - you made an amazing and unforgettable audience! We hope you enjoyed the event.
See you next year!

We are pleased to inform you that during conference all of our attendees have 30% discount in Marche and Sphinx; 20% Małe Chiny and La Camera.
Don't forget to mention our conference!

After the first day of talks, let's meet in Mleczarnia!


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Day One - 30.11.2015


Room 5 - UBS

Room 6 - ITMO

08:00 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:50

Nauka programowania obiektowego w... LEGO?

RoboCAP Team

Always Be Responsible for Any Code You Write, Even for Fun. NoException();

Matt Harasymczuk

10:10 - 11:00

Demystifying folklore beliefs with JVM bytecode for Scala developers

Paweł Szulc

Keep things in memory with JCache

Mateusz Herbut

11:20 - 12:10


Jakub Kubrynski

End-users. Involved at Last!

Michał Stryjak

Lunch break

13:10 - 14:00

Brzydka Pani od HR radzi, czyli 1011 błędów, które popełniają programiści

Tomasz Dziurko

Why why why (and how) to learn?

Ania Pietras

14:20 - 15:10

Microservices on Spring Boot & Spring Cloud - a showcase of true magic

Łukasz Kamiński, Daniel Wojda

Liquibase - zarządzanie zmianami w relacyjnych bazach danych

Marcin Stachniuk

15:30 - 16:20

Taste of new in Java 9

Arkadiusz Sokołowski

Lessons from a 3 year old and 5 year old - learning, leading, experimenting

Piotr Leszczyński

16:40 - 17:30

Java developer meets AngularJS/JavaScript: real-world projects’ experiences

Marek Matczak

The legacy monster - finding him home in 21'st century

Jakub Derda

18:00 - ...

Party! - Mleczarnia

Day Two - 1.12.2015


Room 5 - UBS

Room 6 - ITMO

08:00 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:50

Code Review - how to do it better?

Sebastian Malaca

On-heap cache vs. Off-heap cache

Radek Grębski

10:10 - 11:00

Technical leadership – od eksperta do lidera

Mariusz Sieraczkiewicz

Purely functional data structures

Tomasz Kaczmarzyk

11:20 - 12:10

Sane Sharding with Akka Cluster

Michał Płachta

Introduction to mutation testing in Java

Wojciech Langiewicz

Lunch break

13:10 - 14:00

Elasticsearch dla raportowania

Andrzej Wisłowski

Recepta na retrospekcję z finezją

Wòjcech Makùrôt

14:20 - 15:10

Easy testing with Spock

Dominik Przybysz

Refactoring meets big money

Michal Gruca

15:30 - 16:20

Common fallacies of microservices

Marcin Matuszak

Can AOP Extend Your Test Harness?

Bartosz Czerwinski

16:30 - 17:00

End of last day

Take a look at who you're helping

All of the funds will go to the following charitable organizations:

Fundacja Mam Marzenie

helps very sick children by making their wishes come true and bringing some happiness to their lives, so they can have strength to fight with illness.


changes the way society thinks about cancer and helps improve the quality of lives of people suffering from it.

Szlachetna Paczka

provides aid to struggling families during Christmas holidays. Its main premise is the idea of helping wisely - providing direct aid in a way that it is effective, concrete and meaningful.


teaches children Computer Programming while having fun and introduces concepts of robotics and electronics to them.

Our sponsors

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